CSU Forestry Service Returns $4000 Sleigh Riders Donation
Although Mother Nature has been kind with our recent precipitation windfall, so has the CSU Forestry Service by returning the $4000 donation the Sleigh Riders Motorcycle Toy Run made to help replant 2000 trees in the High Park Fire burn area.
Let me first say that working with the CSU Forestry Service has been a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.They have a top notch program and do some wonderful things.
It was about 6 days prior to our original plant date of May 4th when I received all the logistics of where we were going to be planting. Two sites were picked, one clearly visible from Stove Prairie road just South of the Stove Prairie school and the other site about a mile down Old Flowers road.
My original understanding was that a private homeowner agreed to let us use their property thinking we would be planting on public land adjacent to the private property we would be parking on. As it turns out, the CSU Forestry Service works mostly with private homeowners and these trees would not be going on public land. Our original phone call when we came up with the idea was to the U.S. Forest Service but were directed to the CSU Forestry Service so we all assumed everyone knew we wanted to plant on public land since we are a 501(c)3 charity.
I struggled for 2 straight days about making a donation that ultimately was going to be used on private land and came to the conclusion that I was in no way prepared to jeapordize our 501(c)3 status in it's first year and the department heads of the CSU Forestry Service understood 100% and it was they who offered to give the $4000 donation back to the Sleigh Riders.
So it was decided that the donation would be returned but they still needed help to replant these trees and I thought it was only fair that we continue with the replant being good stewards of the land and we still get to ride past a mountainside that we will in fact help replant so at the end of the day, everyone wins and we still get to reap what we sew.
With all that being said, the $4000 will be put directly into the Sleigh Riders College Scholarship Fund (Sleigh Rides) ensuring now at least two $2500 scholarships for both a Weld and Larimer county HS student. And just as the CSU Forestry Service were gracious enough to return our donation, we in turn are offering the same to those of you who would like your donation back if you had donated soley for this cause last June. Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson raised almost $1800 and they were the first we offered to return money to but they chose to keep it in the scholarship fund. If you would like a refund we will be more than happy to do so. Just visit our website (click here) for our address and send a self addressed stamped envelope with some proof of your donation. If you donated with cash we can possible cross it with our donation records.
Finally, we are still planning on replanting this Saturday, May 11th. All the details are the same as before and now more than ever, we need an accurate head count. Event starts at Nostalgic West Leather in Masonville at 9 AM. Parade ride leaves at 10 AM for the first plant site. Donuts, OJ and coffee will be served and we still hope to have lunch on site for volunteers as well. Bring gloves, rain gear, warm clothes etc. We will have liquids available and you can drive if you want. Old Flowers road may be impassable on Motorcycles but alternate transportation will be available between plant sites. If you have FB please click here to let us know how many you are bringing with you.
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