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Runaway Giant Inflatable Pumpkin Wreaks Havoc on Town (VIDEO)
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a...pumpkin?
Woman Gives Birth on Plane at 30,000 Feet With Some Unexpected Help
Can you call it a water birth when the delivery takes place over the Pacific Ocean?
Guinea Pigs Share Blade of Grass in Today’s ‘Awwww’ Moment
Sharing is caring. It's also a-freakin'-dorable.
Song About German Pretzels Will Forever Be Tattooed On Your Brain (VIDEO)
Germany has an image problem that one catchy tune may just fix.
Selfie Spoon Lets You Eat and Show It to the Whole World (VIDEO)
You know how people like to post photos of the food they're eating? Well, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is taking it a step further.
These Essential Studying Tips Will Have You on the Honor Roll in No Time (VIDEO)
The beginning of the school year is upon us. If you want to jump to the head of the class and bring home a report card loaded with As, you may want to sit up, pay attention and follow these tips.
Donald Trump’s McDonald’s Commercial Is Something You Want to See
Much like his opponents in the presidential election probably do, Donald Trump has some skeletons in his closet. Prepare to see the first one.
Cops Dressed As Superheroes Give Sick Kids a Thrill
These officers put the "super" in "superheroes."
Dying Dog Enjoys Frolicking in the Snow One Last Time
A dog with terminal bone cancer got to go out in style.
Woman Hit by Dinner Roll Sues Restaurant for $25,000
Remember the fabled "coffee is too hot" lawsuit? Well, it may have been topped.
Game Show Contestants Think Thesaurus Is a Dinosaur
Unlike dinosaurs, game show bloopers that make you shake your head will never go extinct.
We All Win When Raccoons Fight Over Milk
If you've been scouring the internet trying to find the most perfect video of raccoons fighting with each other to get milk, we are happy to inform you your search is over.