Hi, I'm Ashley. My origins reign from the wild west scape of Wyoming, but I've traveled to over fifteen countries and lived in Portland, Oregon for ten years in between. I guess you could say I've always been the black sheep, always living outside the social norm box. As a journalist, I love telling the stories of the strange and unusual, making the mundane compelling, and shining awareness on cultural diversity while promoting social justice when I can. Things I can't live without: Cowboy boots, my kiddo Zoe Jade, burritos, vacations.... Things I could live without: Traffic, waiting in lines, pollution, politics...
Ashley Haberman
Bingham Hill Cemetery – A Photo Story
My favorite time to visit Bingham Hill is at sundown, with the silhouette of sunset beaming the days last light, the best kind of light for the perfectly lite photograph.
The Unassuming Adventures on a Sunday Drive in the Country
But the most exciting and adventurous part to these wonderful Sunday (or any day of the week really) drives is what people from the many previous generations behind us considered trash, and left behind in property dumps.
Antique Mall Drifting in Northern Colorado & Wyoming
Antique pieces, vintage turquoise rings, squash blossoms, and pocket watches glisten behind glass cases, and are anything but the ordinary stuff at your local mall.
Why Valentine’s Day Sucks (a satire piece)
Sure, we can all get that special Valentine from mom, or your best friend, or that coworker who’s name you can’t seem to remember. But everyone who isn’t getting a bed of roses or eating chocolate covered strawberries from bae isn’t going to be singing “I LOVE VALENTINES DAY!” at the top of their lungs.
A Fleetwood Mac Experience
For as long as they've been rocking out icons, Fleetwood Mac has held onto their love and inspiration for the music they create.
What Was | What Is | What Will Be
Being present within each moment can often be one of life’s hardest elements when we find ourselves so consumed in the chaotic excitement of everyday life, the whirlwind of getting from here to there and all the in between.
Conversations from the main drag of Cowboy town USA
Loud motorcycle mufflers, quiet minivans and dirt caked trucks headed down this Cowboytown, USA front street. Quite often, moments pass where the drag sits in silence, with no commotion, and the oversized cowboy boot sculpture painted in two deer dancing to a moonlit sky glisten in the Wyoming sun.
The Moment of Getting Older
I've had multiple of these lately, that moment when you realize that you’re nothing like the future fantasy self you ignorantly created back in your mid-twenties.
The Act of Self-Care & Three Top Ways to Treat Yourself
Luckily for us here in Northern Colorado lies an abundance of ways to give back to the over worked and well deserving human that is you.
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally on a Local Organic Farm
With the prevalent agriculture community here in Northern Colorado, I found my local community outlet at Native Hill Farm, a first generation family-owned and operated organic vegetable farm.
Vedauwoo Wyoming- The Perfect Getaway Destination
About an hour and a half drive into Northern Wyoming in Medicine Bow National Forest, a magnificently unexpected place called Vedauwoo exists.