A Thank You to the American Farming Community and a Salute to Farm Aid [VIDEO]
If it weren't for the American farmer this country would be in deep trouble. We need to remember and respect all the hard work our farming community does and all they bring to this crazy mixed up world. We need more agricultural education and teach our children the gifts the land can give us and to appreciate the talents and skills of our farmers.
Willie Nelson has always loved and appreciated our farmers and has done all he can to show his appreciation by hosting Farm Aid. It was on this date in 1985 that Willie hosted the very first Farm Aid to raise money and awareness for the American farmer.
I have grabbed a couple videos from that original concert and threw in the epic Paul Harvey "God Made a Farmer" piece as well as a wonderful musical tribute to our farmers from our buddy James Wesley called "Thank a Farmer". God bless the men and women who make our country grow. We love our farmers and are so grateful for all you do for us.