A Newcomer’s First Impression of Cheyenne Frontier Days, Part 1
Written by Eric Davis, Digital Sales Manager
So, I’m fairly new to Northern Colorado having moved to the area from out of state about 2 years ago to the day. Working at the radio stations of course means I have heard of Cheyenne Frontier Days, but I haven’t actually gone to check it out...YET. This year I thought it might be interesting to share what I “perceive” Cheyenne Frontier Days to be like in this blog and then follow up with that I actually experience at the event. So for any of you NoCo folks who have yet to go up north to Cheyenne and check it all out, I’m interested to hear if your perceptions are the same as mine, and for any in that group who take this year as your first experience up there, let me know how it went.
Moving on to what I “think” I should expect, let me just say this. I know that the music is going to be awesome (for those of you who really get into country music), but for me, that style of music isn’t really what I gravitate towards. I come more from the funk, jazz and rock genres which I don’t think will be well represented up there. I am, however, open to new music-- as an example, I loved Drake White when he played Habajeeba for us at the UCCC in Greeley.
At the event grounds, I anticipate an ocean of boots and hats, with little islands of livestock smells and an undercurrent of Levi jeans. I have heard that the rodeo is one of the biggest in the country. I can just image how easy it may be to get lost among the gates, arenas and stages. How hard is it going to be to navigate to the things I want to see? Let’s talk food now, because I assume there is going to be every fried food on the planet, from pancakes to Rocky Mountain Oysters, and frankly I am down to try some crazy country culinary concoctions. I might just have to check out the Chuckwagon Cook-off and see what that is all about.
Stay tuned for a post-event blog where I will detail out if I was right about my perceptions and some first timer highlights of Cheyenne Frontier Days. Does anyone have anything from their experience to share with me? I’m interested in your thoughts… now off to find the boots in the back of my closet (yeah, I own some, I did move here from East Texas after all).