A Beer Truck Had To Take A CO Runaway Ramp [Video]
A woman from Durango, Rachel Smith, was driving over Wolf Creek Pass when she smelled something burning. It was then that she saw a semi speeding out of control. Being familiar with the area, she knew there were two runaway truck ramps ahead. When the truck driver missed the first one, she really started to worry, as if he missed the second one, the next route off that road was via a cliff.
As you can see, the 25-year-old driver made the second ramp. Smith gives driver Adam Catic a good deal of praise for his maneuvering:
So, for all of us who have driven in the mountains, seen those short, steep, sandy runaway truck ramps, and wondered if they really work... We now have our answer.
I, for one, am impressed, and always love to hear when someone dodges a horribly giant bullet like this!