$590k Colorado Home for Sale Dubbed “A Landlord’s Nightmare”
A Colorado Springs home listed on Realtor on Tuesday and has been dubbed a "landlord's nightmare". This five-bedroom, four-bathroom, 3,598 square foot home three-quarters of an acre is going to need quite a bit of TLC to get it back up to living standards.

The listing states if you are looking for your own little slice of hell and turning it into your piece of heaven, this home would be for you. Every single surface of this Colorado Springs home has been vandalized by black spray paint. If that isn't bad enough, add stank to the vandalism, the scent of rotting meat from a refrigerator in the basement that has not had electricity running to it for an entire year permeates throughout the home.
The listing states that viewers that come to visit this home should bring a mask to endure the stench of the inside of the home and must not go on the back deck or open the freezer in the basement. To top off the home listing states that the property is in the pink of a geological landslide area. I had to look that up to see what it meant. According to Geology.com, a pink area is one that has high susceptibility to being prone to a landslide.
See the cringe-worthy photos of this $590,000 Colorado Springs home:
See the full listing on Realtor.
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