5 Things to Do Because It Won’t Stop Raining in Northern Colorado (and None of Us Know What to Do About It)
'It's raining, it's pouring' has become our mantra in 2015. We can handle the 100 degree days and brave the blizzards because we are rough and tough Coloradans. But that wet stuff falling from the sky, what is that? Oh, that's another story.
We're definitely not used to this weather in Colorado, especially not in the middle of July. I wore mittens on my way to work this morning. MITTENS. (No complaints though, this surely is better than that summer when everything was on fire.) Instead of moping over the lack of sunny days spent on the beach at Horsetooth Reservoir, here are some things to keep you occupied.
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Admire What the New-Found Humidity Has Done to Your Hair
And wonder how people in rainy states ever have 'good hair days.' What is humidity even?
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Think About That Time You Were Told Colorado Had '300 Days of Sunshine' and Laugh.
Also be mad, because whoever told you that is a filthy liar.
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Count How Many Cyclists You See With Splash Marks Up Their Back Sides
Didn't think you'd need a fender, did ya? That's OK, the skunk stripe suits you.
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Watch a Scary Movie
You know those are always better when it's raining. Curl up on the couch and hope that your house isn't above a burial ground.
“You moved the headstones, but you forgot to move the bodies!”
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Take an Instagram of Your Windshield From Inside Your Car So That All Your Facebook Friends Can See That It Is, In Fact, Raining
No, please. Leave no details out. We'd hate to get up and take a look for ourselves.
Which do you think would be better, Valencia or Early Bird? #definitelyshouldnotdothiswhiledriving
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