There are many more reasons than five, but here I will tell you the top five reasons I feel honored to present the Ashley Fischer Award at RMHS in Fort Collins.

Award Presentation at RMHS 2015
Award Presentation at RMHS 2015


  • It is amazing to walk into the front doors of Rocky Mountain High School, I instantly feel as though I have been taken back in time when my Ashley and Colton walked the halls of this great school. Call me nuts, but I can feel them in that building, they loved being Lobos.
  • I get to sit amongst all of the students and parents and be completely engulfed with the spirit of Rocky Mountain High, their school pride shines so brightly with hope, dreams and thoughts of the future. It is very therapeutic for me to be able to experience this with such a lovely school community.
  • Of course there is the legacy of what my daughter has left behind. In her time in this world she made a difference and she positively touched the lives of many. She loved working with the special needs students and stood for their equality. She represented them, supported them, chaperoned them and was just a regular high school student with them. To have her name live on at Rocky with the Ashley Fischer Award (an award to honor those who go the extra mile and support their special needs classmates) , well there really are no words to express how proud I am of her and what she left behind.
  • Getting to meet the parents and students in the special needs program. I can't even put into words what it means to me to hear them just say her name, nearly three years now since her passing. For a parent who has lost a child (or two) there is so much comfort in the fact that they are remembered by others. It reminds me how special she (they) were and how they will never truly die, as she/they continue to impact today's youth and beyond.
  • Seeing her/their teachers... at the ceremony I often look around or notice without trying teachers/coaches that made a huge impact in the lives of my angels. I can't tell you how many times I noticed a teacher or coach and was again swept back in time. We would sit around the dinner table talking about the kids' day and they would mention these teachers, mentors. It gives me so much pleasure to look at them, even if they don't remember me (or my child) and know that they made a difference in my babies lives by being great teachers, that molded and held them to task.

This years recipients of the Ashley Fischer Award are Natalie Littauer and Alex Newton, both are seniors. Miss Littaueralso won the award last year, 2014.

Ashley Fischer Award Winners 2015 Natalie Littauer and Alex Newton with Amy McLean
Ashley Fischer Award Winners 2015 Natalie Littauer and Alex Newton with Amy McLean
Bench at RMHS Dedication Placard D Dennison
Bench at RMHS Dedication Placard D Dennison


My kids were who they were because of me, our family and their community, in and out of school. Thank you Rocky Mountain High for keeping the memory of my daughter and son alive, through this great award and the bench that sits outside the athletic doors.


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