5 Highest Rated Marijuana Dispensaries North of Denver
Only in Colorado (and three other states) can you write a story like this, so it still feels a little taboo. But four years after becoming legal, we think the time is right.
It's still interesting to hear stories from people who walk into a dispensary for the first time, and they still feel like law enforcement are going to run in five minutes after and put them in cuffs.
But the past couple years has brought on a different thought process for marijuana, and has changed many minds on the implications of making the plant legal in the state.
While some people are still against it, the evidence of how much money it brings into the state is insurmountable and has made a difference in many communities.
Ever walked into a dispensary before? While some still have the sense of shadiness throughout the state, there are more that pristine and nice to walk into with customer service that is top notch.
So if you have never been to a dispensary before, or are looking for a new one to frequent, here are the top five dispensaries in Northern Colorado according to Yelp. And let us know below that your favorite is, which will definitely help people feel more comfortable walking into one!
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