I have been battling it for 6 weeks now so I figure I better tell you what is up with me and my health. I have experienced many health situations through my years on the air. I am not one who gets just a cold, I tend to only get life threatening situations or things that require great medical care. I have had MRSA infections, heart attacks, back surgery, near diabetic coma and many others but this last one has been the toughest I have encountered.

About 6 weeks ago I got a little bump on the my groin, nothing unusual I thought. I figured it would turn into a little pimple or at the worst a boil. I first noticed it on a Thursday and by Sunday morning it had turned into the size of an avocado. After much debate, we decided to head to an ER in town and get it looked at. They brought me right into the operating room and decided they needed to slice it open and drain it. Keep in mind this is not an area of the body that a man wants to hear the word "slice" associated with. They cut me and drained me and said they would test the blood and see what it was. I went back the next couple of days and told them that I thought the infection had moved lower and was growing more rapidly than before. I waited for it to get better but it got progressively worse. I was scheduled to see my Doctor on that Friday afternoon but could not wait as it was getting worse and worse.

I went to a different ER that Friday morning and was checked in to prep for surgery again at 7 a.m. where I waited until 1 a.m. when I was finally able to get into surgery. By then my area "south of the border" had grown to the size of a small cantaloupe. I was terrified, not knowing if it would ever stop. I was so blown away by my friends Bob and Wendy, who refused to leave and sat with my wife Kyla through the procedure and were there when I came to.

Brian Hospital With Bob And Wendy
Brian Gary, TSM

The cause of the infection was still a mystery and it was still growing even after 2 surgeries. They were trying every kind of antibiotic but nothing was touching it or slowing it down. I ended up having a 3rd procedure and then had an infectious disease specialist come in. After much trial and error he was able to find to the right kind of drug mixture to slow down and begin killing this terrifying infection. I didn't know if I was going to make it through this or if I did, what parts of me would still be left. My grandson Zander brought me stuffed beaver that I had as a kid to sit with me and help me heal and pass the time so I wouldn't be alone.

Hospital Beaver
Brian Gary, TSM

I am healing slowly and doing what I am told. I still have a big wound that has to packed open daily so that it heals from the bottom up and doesn't trap any infection. I am so blessed to have my wife, who has cared for me above and beyond the call of duty. I never would have made it without her or the prayers that I felt coming from the K99 community. It will still be awhile before I am ready to be in public for appearances or anything but that day will come soon enough. I am just so happy to be here breathing and enjoying this life that I love so much. I will be better than ever....I'm just taking it slow. Thank you so much for being there for me.

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