State Of The Union

American Pride! [POLL]
American Pride! [POLL]
American Pride! [POLL]
It used to be an event in my house. I made dinner a bit earlier so that we could all sit round the television. Last night, it was an after thought. We still gathered round the television and through out our comments as our president spoke, but for me I had to ask myself "what is the state of your American Pride"?
If You Missed the Presidents Speech [VIDEO]
If You Missed the Presidents Speech [VIDEO]
If You Missed the Presidents Speech [VIDEO]
President Obama's 2011 State of the Union (titled "Winning the Future") focused heavily on all political parties working together -- Republican and Democrat congress members even watched in a mixed seating arrangement, rather than occupying separate sections of the House. Obama also announced his administration would move forward with health care reform, work on immigration law, build in