We have a long birthday cake making tradition in our home. One of us, usually me, always bakes and decorates a cake for whoever's birthday it is in the family. It is usually poorly written and unprofessionally decorated but comes from the heart and always means the world to me. I love making them and this year I got one!

Kyla Flaa, TSM
Kyla Flaa, TSM

We are having a party tonight to officially celebrate my birthday and our CMA nomination but last night we had nice little quiet birthday celebration with Zander and Zayden and my bride. The boys baked and decorated the cake. My five year old Zayden, wrote the words 'Papa' and Zander wrote "we love you' and 'from the Z's'. It is the little things that really matter and touch you. This is the greatest gift I could get...although my Adam Thielen Viking jersey was pretty cool too. Let's party.

Kyla Flaa, TSM
Kyla Flaa, TSM

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