There are lots of things that make me mad, but it's those who fuel the racism fire that really get me going. Meet the female Al Sharpton who defies all logic; and common sense.

23-year-old rapper Azealia Banks just hates America but seems to love the money she makes from people here in the United States of America. Well, except for the fat white ones and she hates those people. I'm guessing everyone who buys her music are not Black and I'm sure the Caucasians who buy her music are not all "fat".

I'm confused I guess. Does she hate all white people or just the fat ones and what does she classify as fat? Over 150 pounds? 175 pounds? 225 pounds? 350 pounds? Like there are no fat Black rappers?

I hate everything about this country. Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms.

Please define "racist conservative white people on farms" vs. the black conservative black people on farms. So all white conservative people on farms are fat? I'm not clear.

Need more?

 As long as I have my money, I’m getting the f*** out of here and I’m gonna leave y’all to your own devices.

Promise? Why are you even still here? I know many, including me, who will help pack your bags and kick your sorry butt to the curb and even buy you a one-way ticket to anywhere you want to go...and take Al Sharpton with you!

Black people need reparations for building this country, and we deserve way more f***ing credit and respect.  (Tell that to President Obama, last I checked he was black and doing just fine.)

Definition of 'reparation': the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.

Black people built "this country"? Really? Last I checked it was "people" who built this great country who could really do without you and your race bait. Here's something to think about Ms. Azealia, and I use the term "Ms." lightly, YOU, and all those like you, are the ones responsible for keeping racism alive and well.

Please don't do us any more favors and just leave, today. Buh-bye!

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