I can't help but feel that our ability to think as individuals is slipping away. We are so easily swayed by Facebook and the news that we don't think for ourselves anymore. We don't know phone numbers or addresses. We count on our phones to remember them for us. We can't spell because we rely on spellcheck. We can't do math or even begin to balance a checkbook because we use calculators. We can't sing, so we use machines that make our voices sound in tune. We have become functioning idiots. We don't even decide what makes us mad or offends us anymore. We let the media decide.

Right now people are all worked up over the 'red cup' at Starbucks. Do you really really care? Does it really effect your day or are you just upset because someone said you should be upset? It seems like a unbelievably silly thing. Were you really outraged over the Cecil the lion story? I am sure it might has been a bit disturbing but was it really something that should have effected your day. I say Merry Christmas but I really don't care if you do and no one should be upset if you do or don't, yet we are told to be infuriated either way. We are supposed to mad at this person for cheating on that person or can you believe that person said that? We are now completely offended by the confederate flag yet for years you wore it on your southern rock t-shirt and never thought twice about it. Facebook and the media will tell you we think police are the bad guys. I don't see that either. I personally don't have a person in my life who was offended by any of these things yet we are told they are everywhere.

Use your own brain and decide for yourself how you feel. If something does offend or bother you, fine, you have every right to feel that way but make sure it's how you feel and not how you were told to feel. We are a free nation, our veterans fought to make sure that is the land we live in, so use that freedom to make up your own mind and be yourself and think for yourself. God bless the free thinking American.

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