We have all heard the term "Photobombed" by now. It is when you go to take a picture and someone unexpected walks into the camera shot. My friend Tracy Walker is the master at it. He has upset a wedding photographer or 2 in his day. I have done this at Disneyland as well. I like to wait for people to take a picture and then walk right behind them. I thought only humans did this until I was at Susan's barn yesterday and found that horses are into photobombing as well.

Mak Photobomb full face
Brian Gary, TSM

Susan had asked if I get a picture of her by her pregnant mare. I had them in perfect view for a shot when suddenly her youngster Mak decided he would photobomb me.

Mak Photobomb 2
Brian Gary, TSM

I did almost get the shot I was looking for after several attempts.

Susan and pregnant mare
Brian Gary, TSM

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