We all have that one drawer at home that you are afraid to open. The drawer where you throw all the stuff that doesn't really have a place. The drawer of misfit items or the junk drawer, as most of us call it. You find some bizarre things in there. I know at my home you can find everything from twist ties, to zip ties to glue to assorted nuts and bolts in my drawer. Today I was bold enough to look inside the K99 junk drawer.

Brian Gary, TSM
Brian Gary, TSM

Every day I look over at this drawer but rarely do I open it and look inside. Today I was searching for a pen and had to open it. I was taken aback by what I found inside. There is really no rhyme or reason why most of these things are still permitted to have a place to dwell. There was a handful of hot sauce packets, a couple of packs of ketchup and some horsey sauce. I found a package of oatmeal and a pack of soup. I found one pen, one screwdriver, two packages of birthday candles, a box of china markers, a Taylor Swift tour book, some beard balm, a fairy wand, one of Sparx notebooks, a stapler and a map of Northern Colorado. If any of these items are yours, please come and claim them. I will be dumping the junk drawer today...except for that fairy wand and some hot sauce..and this stapler.

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