I have always felt that the world started to have more troubles when families quit making time to eat dinner together. I believe the dinner table is where families bond. We started getting so busy with two working parents, kid's activities and so forth that we stepped away from the dinner table.

family dinner
Brian Gary, TSM

No matter how packed your schedule gets you really need to find a way to eat dinner together as a family a couple times a week. We still eat together every night. My wife, my daughter, grandson and I all gather at the table and it gives us a time to talk to each other and stay connected. This was instilled in me at a young age. My family always sat down, said our prayer and dove in. We got to know each other at that table. I think so many families are disconnected these days because they don't spend quality, slow paced time together. One of the reasons I love the show Duck Dynasty so much is because at the end of each episode they all gather at the table for dinner and to give thanks. I truly believe a lot of the world's problems could be solved if we all sat down and shared a pot roast together.

duck dynasty family dinner
Duck Dynasty, Facebook

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