One of the most difficult things to grasp in life is that there are times when no one is right or wrong. There are some things in life that really have no right or wrong answer, just opinions or a case of personal taste. People so often try to cram their beliefs or feelings about something down your throat and call it fact when it really is just on opinion or taste. We can choose what we like and that is okay.

Art is subjective. Some will see it as a masterpiece and some will see it as a napkin with a stain on it. Music is art. Some will hear the greatest sound ever made and others hear noise. Cooking is art. Some may find it the greatest meal they have ever eaten while someone else would've preferred a burger from Sonic...there is no right or wrong, people just like different things. That's beautiful. So find beauty in what YOUR eye appreciates, listen to what YOU like to hear, eat what YOU like to eat, love who YOU love and allow everyone to do the same. Peace.

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