Journey 4 Justice was founded by my friend and coworker Charley Barnes as a means to practice our right of free speech in the prescence of those who use that same right to bring hurt to others. Namely the Wet-burro Baptist cult. We don't give them the respect to be called what they would like to be and for the intent of this story they will simply be referred to as "them" or "they".

Danny Joe
Danny Joe

The members of Journey 4 Justice were supposed to leave out fromGreeley at 5 am on April 19th. I woke up at 230 am to shower and put on the 5 layers of clothing for the ride to Topeka. After putting on all those clothes, I really felt like the little brother from "A Christmas Story"! I got Reba(my bike) loaded, threw my leg on her, put the key in, hit the ignition and......nothing! Reba was as dead as a doornail. I paniced as to what I should do and it came to me to jump her with my car. It worked as heard her roar with a purpose. At this point, I would have made it on time to meet my brothers and sisters for the ride. I made it to the end of my street about a half of a mile. As I started to take off at the intersection my bike stalled. I tried to start her back up and ....nothing...AGAIN!!! I ended up pushing Reba all the way back to the house. Now, I know I have a small ride compared to the big Harleys out there, but that didn't make her any lighter. I ended up having to buy a new battery for Reba and after kissing my wife and daughters bye, I was off to keep my date with "them".

I wish I had pictures of me on my trip there but I was already 2 1/2 hours behind the rest of the group. After I got on the road, the ONLY thing I got off my bike for was fuel.Then, it was right back on. Right about Burlington, I started getting texts from Brian Gary regarding the location of the group. Their location started about 2 hours ahead of me and as the messages were coming in, I noticed, I was gaining A LOT of ground on them. I managed to catch up to the rest of the group in Salina, Kansas. Exactly 99 mile outside of Topeka. I magine the surprise on everyone's faces when I pulled up to fuel at the same gas station they were about to leave. It was an incredible feeling to know I would not have to ride solo into the den of the Devil. That I had my brothers and sisters in arms at my side. Needless to say, it was quite an emotional moment for me.

We made it into Topeka with a little bit of daylight left. Enough to buzz by "their" law office and get to the hotel to check in. Upon check in we got to meet Journey 4 Justice members from Ohio, Texas. Oklahoma and Wisconsin. It was great to meet people from across the country who share the same vision and beliefs as I do. Afterwards we all went to dinner and got some rest as we would need it for the next day.

Danny Joe
Danny Joe

Saturday, April 20th started like any other day with breakfast, friends and creating a plan to get on the last nerve of America's most hated family. We all got mounted up and headed for Gage Park, the site of a Korean War monument and weekly protests by "them".

Danny Joe
Danny Joe

Just as last year, emotions were swelling as we stood there side by side holding our American flags for all of Topeka to see. As if the honking of horns and shouts of thanks coming fron the cars weren't enough, a 5k of walkers started coming down the very sidewalk we were on. They started giving high 5's and saying "thank you for being out here" and "God bless America". It was an honor.

After Gage Park, we moved on to "their" law offices. It was there where we got a HUGE response from the community with even more cars honking and even a patrol car or two flashing their lights and hitting the sirens in appreciation. As we were on the sidewalk peacefully waving our American flags, someone noticed a minivan had pulled up to the office behind us. It was one of the self proclaimed "pastor's" daughters with 2 or 3 minors accompanying her. It looked liked the were loading supplies or something. A lesser group of people would have started yelling not even considering the children in their prescense. We, however are Journey 4 Justice and that is not how we roll. As the minivan pulled out of the driveway right past me, I did what I felt compelled to do. I put up 2 fingers into a peace sign and smiled. There was an absence in her eyes as she looked at me as if a soul use to habitate that body. It was bone chilling.

Tune in next Sunday for the exciting conclusion of my Journey 4 Justice to Topeka. We're going to roll up on "their" compound! There's going to be an unexpected party, cops and a butt clinching ride home I won't soon forget!

Danny Joe
Danny Joe


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