Everyone loves useless triva and facts so I decided to make it easy and give you a good source to find just that kind of information on a daily basis. Please feel free to check my personal page on a daily basis for all the fun facts that we just don’t need to know.

  • The Tokyo World Lanes Bowling Center is the largest bowling establishment in the world. It has 252 lanes and one very tired pinsetter
  • The longest Monopoly game ever played was 1,680 hours long, that's 70 straight days
  • The longest Monopoly game in a bathtub was 99 hours long
  • Howard Kinsey and Mrs. R. Roark, during a game of tennis, batted the ball back and forth 2001 consecutive times
  • At 12 years old, an African named Ernest Loftus made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for 91 years
  • The largest school in the world is a k-12 school in the Philippines, with an enrollment of about 25,000
  • The Bible is the number one shoplifted book in America
  • On the new hundred dollar bill the time on the clock tower of Independence Hall is 4:10
  • If you were born in Los Alamos, New Mexico during the Manhattan project (where they made the atomic bomb), your birth place is listed as a post office box in Albuquerque
  • The St. Louis Gateway Arch had a projected death toll while it was being built. No one died

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