Christopher Cox

I have been thinking a lot lately about the recent sentencing of Greeley gang leader Christopher Cox and it just kills me. Gangs disgust me more than just about anything. It makes me sick that so many people have children who are born with no hope. If you are not ready to take the time, effort and sacrifice to raise a child please do not have one.

There are too many born without a chance. In my life, I have unfortunately had to deal with and learn quite a bit about gangs. It is so sad that so many only find the “love and acceptance” they are looking for in a gang. Love your child, teach your child and help your child have all they need to be a productive member of society.

Be a volunteer to work with children and help steer them and mentor them if you have it in you. I feel too many kids do not have a positive male influence in their lives, Single moms do a wonderful job but it is important to have a strong nurturing male figure as well. I am calling for men in the community to stand up and do whatever we can to help. Get involved in Boys and Girls Clubs or Partners or wherever else you can to lend a hand and voice. The world needs you.

Photo by Team Enemy/Flickr

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