It may bother you to know that I am a people person, I have pets and I love them with all of my heart. I have had Sam (American Eskimo) since he was six weeks old, Lily (a handicapped domestic brown tiger cat) and Barley (a domestic brown tiger cat). Both of the cats came into my life when our Ashley turned 16 (Lily was hers and Barley stole my heart, so we adopted both of them) But my volunteering, donating and over all causes have typically been for children (people vs pets). With that said I can't tell you how touched my heart was when I saw this video, this story brings me hope and fills me with love. I figured that I would share this story, it is just the perfect story for this holiday season. And may just be the thing to make me think about reaching out more to pet causes, I can't believe things like this happen, maybe I have just been down right blind myself, and for that I apologize.

This story broke my heart and restore it in an instant. I can't believe that people can be so cruel and heartless. To harm a child is intolerable and harm can come in all forms, I am not fooled, I know there are many forms of harm a child faces, some daily and now I am realizing that the safety of our pets, extended family members are increasingly put in danger by people that harm them for fun or out of shear stupidity.

I wish you a holiday season of enlightenment, love and hope.

Happy Holidays!

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